Date | Forecast | Period | Probability of precipitation | Snow level (m asl) |
Lowest temperature |
Highest temperature |
Wind Direction |
Wind Speed |
Today | very low | mt. | -2°C | 3°C | N | light | ||
24/01 | Morning | mt. | -4°C | 4°C | ||||
25/01 | very low | mt. | -4°C | 5°C | Variabile | light | ||
26/01 | high | 1700 mt. | -2°C | 4°C | Variabile | light | ||
27/01 | average | 1400 mt. | -3°C | 4°C | Variabile | light | ||
28/01 | high | 1600 mt. | -2°C | 4°C | Variabile | light |
Weather forecasting service by "Meteo Trentino".
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